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In 1 Corinthians, Paul described the church as a body with many members, illustrating the pluralism of the church and the many gifts which God gives to its members. So also the seal’s individual parts, when taken together, form an encompassing visual and symbolic unity, while not exhausting the richness of possible interpretations.
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Phone: 814-764-3079
Email: info@nrgpresbyterian.com
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1419 Rehobeth Church Rd
Clarion, PA 16214
ACTS 2:1
When the day of Pentecost came, the believers were all together in one place.
Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
Recent Sermons
What’s Jesus Up To?
Aliquam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis. In pede mi, aliquet sit amet, euismod in, auctor ut, ligula. Aliquam…
The What You Seek
Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Donec sit amet eros. Lorem ipsum dolor. Mauris fermentum dictum magna. Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget. In pede mi, aliquet sit…
The Power of Faith
Aliquam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis. In pede mi, aliquet sit amet, euismod in, auctor ut, ligula. Aliquam…