Our Mission Statement

Worship God, make disciples and meet human need.

The above simple statement has a lot of depth in it. It really describes a holistic approach to the Gospel that Jesus himself had in his ministry while on earth as “he went from village to village” and from one city to another “teaching, preaching and healing.” So is New Rehoboth-Greenville’s congregation as it seeks to worship God in praise and in the preaching of the Word. If you are attending the church on Sunday, you can’t help but become a disciple of Christ, because the message takes you deeper from one week to another as it focuses on Jesus teaching and calling people into mature faith in Christ; moving from accepting Christ, to mature faith in Christ, to faithful discipleship with Christ. The third part which Jesus’ ministry included was healing. The mission statement’s third part is also about just that as the church seeks to meet the human needs of both the local and global communities. The church is active in its community outreach, and in partnership with local, regional and national mid-councils, supports mission of healing, peace and justice locally and globally. From student scholarships, to the support of local fire fighters’ agencies to providing disaster and crisis assistance and grief support groups, to supporting global missions in Rwanda and other regional and international places.

Our History

Thomas Jefferson was president of the United States when this worship community was first established in 1802. “Rehoboth”, meaning there is room for all, seemed fitting for the first church ever built in Clarion County. Thus, New Rehoboth was formed. Later, in 1962, the congregation merged with the Greenville Presbyterian Church of Limestone, forming the New Rehoboth-Greenville Presbyterian Church. There has been a church building on our current property since 1822 and the present church building was dedicated in 1893. The New Rehoboth-Greenville congregation has been yoked with the Pisgah Presbyterian Church since 1971.

Our Constitution is Comprised of

The Bible

A Presbyterian Panel survey showed that most pastors use either the NRSV or the NIV.

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Book of Confessions

The Book of Confessions, containing historical statements of what we as a church believe, is available in several forms.

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Book of Order

The Book of Order, consists of the Foundations of Presbyterian Polity, Form of Government, Directory for Worship, and Rules of Discipline.

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What's Presbyterian Worship Like?

  • Prayer
  • Music
  • Scripture
  • Preaching
  • Intercession
  • Offering
  • Sacraments



Baptism is the sign and seal of our incorporation into Jesus Christ. In his own baptism, Jesus identified himself with sinners—yet God claimed him as a beloved Son and sent the Holy Spirit to anoint him for service. In his ministry, Jesus offered the gift of living water. Through the baptism of his suffering and death, Jesus set us free from the power of sin forever. After he rose from the dead, Jesus commissioned his followers to go and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey his commands. The disciples were empowered by the outpouring of the Spirit to continue Jesus’ mission and ministry, inviting others to join this new way of life in Christ. As Paul wrote, through the gift of Baptism we are ‘dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus’ (Rom. 6:11)” (W-3.0402).

“Baptism enacts and seals what the Word proclaims: God’s redeeming grace offered to all people. Baptism is at once God’s gift of grace, God’s means of grace, and God’s call to respond to that grace. Through Baptism, Jesus Christ calls us to repentance, faithfulness, and discipleship. Through Baptism, the Holy Spirit gives the Church its identity and commissions the Church for service in the world” (W-3.0402).

“The water used for Baptism should be from a local source, and may be applied with the hand, by pouring, or through immersion” (W-3.0407).

“God’s faithfulness to us is sure, even when human faithfulness to God is not. God’s grace is sufficient; therefore Baptism is not repeated. There are many times in worship, however, when we may remember the gift of our baptism and acknowledge the grace of God continually at work in us. These may include: profession of faith; when participating in another’s baptism; when joining or leaving a church; at an ordination, installation, or commissioning; and at each celebration of the Lord’s Supper” (W-3.0402).

“As there is one body, there is one Baptism. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recognizes all baptisms by other Christian churches that are administered with water and performed in the name of the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” (W-3.0402).

Lord’s Supper

“The Lord’s Supper (or Eucharist) is the sign and seal of our communion with the crucified and risen Lord. Jesus shared meals with his followers throughout his earthly life and ministry—common suppers, miraculous feasts, and the covenant commemorations of the people of God. Jesus spoke of himself as the bread of life, and the true vine, in whom we are branches. On the night before his death, Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples. He spoke of the bread and wine as his body and blood, signs of the new covenant and told the disciples to remember him by keeping this feast. On the day of his resurrection, Jesus made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of the bread. The disciples continued to devote themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, prayers, and the common meal. As Paul wrote, when we share the bread and cup in Jesus’ name, ‘we who are many are one body’ (1 Cor. 10:17)” (W-3.0409).

“The Lord’s Supper enacts and seals what the Word proclaims: God’s sustaining grace offered to all people. The Lord’s Supper is at once God’s gift of grace, God’s means of grace, and God’s call to respond to that grace. Through the Lord’s Supper, Jesus Christ nourishes us in righteousness, faithfulness, and discipleship. Through the Lord’s Supper, the Holy Spirit renews the Church in its identity and sends the Church to mission in the world” (W-3.0409).

“When we gather at the Lord’s Supper the Spirit draws us into Christ’s presence and unites with the Church in every time and place. We join with all the faithful in heaven and on earth in offering thanksgiving to the triune God. We reaffirm the promises of our baptism and recommit ourselves to love and serve God, one another, and our neighbors in the world” (W-3.0409).

“The opportunity to eat and drink with Christ is not a right bestowed upon the worthy, but a privilege given to the undeserving who come in faith, repentance, and love. All who come to the table are offered the bread and cup, regardless of their age or understanding. If some of those who come have not yet been baptized, an invitation to baptismal preparation and Baptism should be graciously extended.

Worshipers prepare themselves to celebrate the Lord’s Supper by putting their trust in Christ, confessing their sin, and seeking reconciliation with God and one another. Even those who doubt may come to the table in order to be assured of God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ” (W-3.0409).

“The Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated as a regular part of the Service for the Lord’s Day, preceded by the proclamation of the Word, in the gathering of the people of God. When local circumstances call for the Lord’s Supper to be celebrated less frequently, the session may approve other schedules for celebration, in no case less than quarterly. If the Lord’s Supper is celebrated less frequently than on each Lord’s Day, public notice is to be given at least one week in advance so that all may prepare to receive the Sacrament” (W-3.0409).